Microstar 1M Series
When you need day in, day out reliability for your large part inspection.
Microstar 1M Bridge Type CMMs Series all have 40” Z axis travel With XY range from 50”x60”x10” to 50”x120”x40”.
Helmel DNA: Since 1973, a common genetic thread has run through all Helmel CMMs reflecting a philosophy and culture of sound mechanical designs, properly constructed, and coupled with leading probe systems and software that is powerful, efficient, and simple. Our objective is to provide customers with a durable and long lasting precision CMM that is affordable, economical to operate, easy to learn and use, and delivers decades of value and return on investment. It is an added bonus that Helmel is a stable company who will promptly provide knowledgeable service and support.
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All Helmel Coordinate Measuring Machines have bearing systems characterized by strong bearing ratios, design emphasis on balance, attention to the center of moving mass, and optimized drive locations. Our CMMs are constructed with Intrinsic Mechanical Accuracy – IMA: they are physically straight, flat, square, and true, with precision derived from the structure. In most cases the introduction and expense of error mapping is not required. When applied, however, it is built on top of a sound and physically accurate structure¹.
Turn off error mapping on any competitive machine and you reveal a poor underlying product, for which you pay a dear price. Mapping is done to reduce production costs, but it will cost you more each time you need calibration because error correction files are hidden behind password protection only the OEM can access, binding you to their higher priced services for years. All calibration files on Helmel CMMs are open and accessible.
The design of our 1M Series incorporates a hybrid bearing system, with a combination of mechanical and air bearings, each utilized to take advantage of optimum performance characteristics.
Specifications |
Standard Features
- Dual beam bridge design
- Bearings, ways, drives and scales are covered
- Precision bearings on hardened and ground ways
- Air bearing on outboard leg
- Non-contact optical steel scales mounted on steel structure
- .5µm (.000020”) Resolution
- Granite base
- 3/8-16 clamping inserts
- Wired for Renishaw Touch Trigger Probes
- Separate Electronic/Computer Cabinet
- Rugged 3-axis joystick
- Latest computer hardware
- Flat panel LCD monitor
- Pull-out keyboard with GEOMET Keystroke Magic™ key labels
- GEOMET 101 DCC software
- Training part and manual
- 1” (25.4mm) calibration sphere
- 1 Year Warranty
- On-line access to software upgrades
- Microstar 1M Brochure
- Microstar 1M Dimensions
- Geomet Brochure
- Geomet Version Chart
- CMM Manager Brochure
- MH20i
- PH6-TP20 KIT
- PH6-TP200 KIT
- MH8-TP20 KIT
- MH8-TP200 KIT
- PH10T-TP20-MCR20
- PH10T-TP200-SCR200
- PH10M-TP20-MCR20
- PH10M-TP200-SCR20
- PH20-TCR20
- PH6M-SP25M
- PH10M-SP25M-FCR25-6L
- REVO2 – contact Helmel
- GEOMET 101+ DCC Software
- GEOMET 301 DCC Software
- CMM Manager Lite DCC Software
- CMM Manager Standard CAD DCC Software